Monday, January 24, 2011

Guns, Germs, & Steel

The movie was about how Guns, Germs, and Steel actually changed our nation and changed us into those “Haves instead of the Have nots.” Jarrod Diamond started this quest about how our nation evolved in Papua New Guinea. During his work in watching birds in Papua New Guinea, he became very interested in the people that inhabit the area. He was asked by a New Guinean “Why you white men have so much cargo, and us New Guineans have so little?” and this is what inspired Diamond’s investigation on the Western Civilization. He is asking how we progressed in the few hundred years America has been alive and how little New Guineans progressed in 40,000 years.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start, but let's clarify a few things. Jared Diamond is discussing civilizations from a very long time ago, not really discussing our nation so much. He studies all civilizations, not just Western civilizations.
