Friday, February 11, 2011

Beginning Egypt.

  • Egyptians began getting good building pyramids around 2575 B.C. to about 2150 B.C. 
  • Pyramids were built to house the dead, mummified bodies of the Pharaohs.
  • If Pharaohs weren't properly taken care of after they died, it was said that they could not follow through with their duties to be king of the dead, breaking maybe the most important Egyptian cycle.
  • The Step Pyramid of Djoser was the very first pyramid built, built in 2630 B.C. to hold the Pharaoh Djoser.
  • The Great Pyramid was the largest pyramid in the world and was built for King Khufu, and took 2.3 million stone blocks to build, with each block weighing from 2.5-15 tons.
  • Egyptian villagers overseen by the Pharaoh's supervisors were the builders of the pyramids, not slaves.  

  • People that died were buried in the desert so their body gets dehydrated from the sun and sand to suck out all the fluids in them, which causes them not to disintegrate.
  • After a while, Egyptian's began burying them in coffins to protect them from animals. 
  • Body's began to disintegrate when they were in coffins because they cant be dehydrated by the sun or sand.
  • Years later, the Egyptians acquired a way preserving their dead. It is called embalming is being wrapped in linen cloth. 

  • A Pharaoh was the most powerful person in Egypt and was a political and religious leader. 
  • A Pharaoh was known as "Lord of the Two Lands" because he had control over upper and lower Egypt.
  • He protected Egypt from foreign people trying to invade. 

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