Thursday, April 28, 2011

In Class 4-28-11

In class we took ANOTHER pop quiz, which was alright I guess even though I failed horribly. After the quiz, we started talking about the answers, which helped because I knew like, four out of ten. Since we had tornado warnings all throughout the day we had a pretty shortened class so the quiz and going over it is all we did.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In Class 4-27-11

Today in class we didn't do much big. Mostly all we did was talk about what we learned about Rome in our reading. And oh yea, we took a pop quiz

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In Class 4-26-11

In class today we ended our chapters on Greece and began to move on to Rome. Since Mr. Schick was all sick and such we had to read about Rome and of course, my computer decides not to work with the PDF file that was sent, so it took an extra 15 minutes just for me to start. After the reading there were questions on it, but since I couldn't get it to my computer I had to write it all down.

Republic: A political unit NOT ruled by a monarch, but is ruled by a leader chosen by the people. NOT a democracy because a republic votes for representatives and a democracy votes straight to the leaders

Gravitas: A virtue someone has if they are discipline, strong, and loyal

Pater Familias: "Father of the Family" He had power over his whole family and legally could kill someone in his family if need be.

Toga: A loose outer garment that basically drapes over the person

Patrician: A specially family, known to be a very privileged class. They believed that they are born from the founders of Rome.

Plebeian: A common person like a farmer, artisian, or a merchant

Legion: A massive military unit, consisting of 4 to 6 thousand men

Century: A sub group within the legion holding around 80 people per group and a legion consisted of 60 centuries

Italy: The peninsula that holds the city-state of Rome

Rome: A very successful city-state inside of Italy

Romulus: One of the twins, parented by the god Mars, and Rhea Silvia. Him and his brother Remus were put in a basket to float down the Tiber River in hopes that they would drown.

Palatine Hill: The hill that Romulus chose to be the center of Rome


Tiber River: The river that the jealous Latin King set Romulus and Remus down to kill them

Apennines: A lower mountain range running down the length of Italy

Latins: People that walked across the Alps in 1000 B.C. and settled on either side of the Tiber River

Etruscans: Another group of wanderers that settled in Northern Italy between 1200 B.C. and 800 B.C.

Forum: The heart of Roman political life

#1: Geography was so important to Rome because Italy is right in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, so basically it was a trading gold mine. Also being right on the shore was important because they could then see oncoming threats from the sea against them.

#2: Greeks, Latins, and Etruscans are all important to Roman development because it took pieces of all three customs to make one great one, like what Alexander the Great did.

#3: Early Rome had a set of values that dealt mainly with strength, loyalty, and discipline.

#4: Roman households the same in most houses. The men were the leaders of the house and did what they wanted, and the women was respected, and kept things moving around the house and cooked and such.

#5: Roman army effected society because all men were required to join.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Alexander the Great Pt. 2

  • Alexander went through his entire life without ever losing a battle
  • Myth says it that whenever something important in Alexanders life, a hawk flies above
  • Alexander's army fought so much harder because they actually fought for what they wanted, not just a paycheck like the Persians
  • Alexander was king of everything at age 25
  • After conquering Persia, they accepted him as a leader because he began to blend cultures, not just wipe everything else out
  • Darius got killed by his own commanders because of his vicious acts against his own people
  • Alexander began to hunt for the commanders that killed Darius 
  • Alexander got 10 cities named after himself through his journey
  • Alexander began to cross through into India to take over the whole world
  • Darius got shot by an arrow, but survived

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

  • His mother was Olympus
  • Olympus told Alexander that his real father was Achilles
  • Alexander was tutored by Aristotle 
  • Philip of Macedon was Alexanders real father  
  • Alexander took over when he was only 20
  • Alexander rode Beuseffelis when he was a young boy, no one else could do it 
  • Alexander lead in the Battle of Gaugamala 
  • Alexander was outnumbered 6 to 1 in this battle
  • Its believed that Darius The Great got the money to get Alexanders father killed
  • Alexander went after Darius and the Persian Empire after the murder of his father
  • They used to take out the intestines of  a bull before and read them to see the future
  • Their war formation was called Phalenx and it is still taught today

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Last Questions on Presentations


  1. Who were the first main philosophers? Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
  2. Who was the first philosopher in western civilization? Socrates. 
  3. What did Socrates try to spread to people? Caring for the soul is the most important thing in life, a good person cannot be harmed by other people, and its important to know who we are. 
100% because it separated each philosopher and what big things each of them did. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Even More More Questions on Presentations


  1. What was the multi-sport thing in the Olympics? Pentathlon 
  2. What was the reward for winning? A crown of olive leaves and a statue of them at Olympia 

  1. What were the first structures made out of? Wood
  2. Where were Ionic columns made? Ionian islands 
90% because it just had facts. No fun

  1. Why did Sparta attack Athens? Because they feared Athens was becoming too strong
  2. What did Athens lose from this war? Their Democratic Republic
100% because the cake was whats up

Friday, April 8, 2011

Even More Questions on the Presentations


  1. What was special about Homer? He was blind
  2. What was one of his most famous books? Odyssey
100% because she read a summarized version of the 400 page drama The Odyssey and it was cool.

The Parthenon:

  1. When did the Parthenon get nearly destroyed? In the battle against the Venetians 
  2. What leader had the idea to make the Parthenon? Pericles  
90% because it had some mixed up information


  1. Who invented the Archimedes screw? Archimedes 
  2. What did Plato make advancements in? Astronomy
100% because it was awesome!

  1. What invention made pot making easier? 
  2. What caused pottery to go bad? Collapse of Mycenaean society in the Dark Age
100% because it explains each era of pottery and showed examples so we can see what they actually did.

  1. How was the poetry spread? People remembered the long things and retell them to other people
  2. What events came from the poetry? They were made into plays for everyone to see
100% because it had a bunch of different kinds of poetry and how it got big

  1. What was the main reason Socrates was arrested? after they lost the war they needed to blame someone for their loss
  2. What was the penalty he was demanded? Death

Thursday, April 7, 2011

More Questions on Presentations


  1. Do you think the armor that was worn during battles helped them win instead of their fighting power?
  2. Was Sparta so powerful just because they had strong worriers  or was it great military strategy?
100%! Because it included a lot of things that revolved her topic and it was long and chill

  1. Where in Greece did this drama actually start getting big enough to be preformed in front of hundreds of people?
  2. What were the stages called?
100% because her video was classic

  1. Who did Philip hire to become Alexanders tutor?
  2. What God did Alexander's mother say was his actual father? 
95% because it had good facts but it was just a regular slide show with nothing else

Questions for for the Presentations


  1. If Spartan soldiers mistreated the younger soldiers, did that sometimes lead to some of the soldiers leaving the state because of the way they were treated?
  2. If they drafted all of the boys into the army at a young age, how come they only had 300 soldiers against Persia?
  1. Did Spartan and Athenian allies play a big part in who won, or did they not do much
  2. How long did the peace treaty stay for?