Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

  • His mother was Olympus
  • Olympus told Alexander that his real father was Achilles
  • Alexander was tutored by Aristotle 
  • Philip of Macedon was Alexanders real father  
  • Alexander took over when he was only 20
  • Alexander rode Beuseffelis when he was a young boy, no one else could do it 
  • Alexander lead in the Battle of Gaugamala 
  • Alexander was outnumbered 6 to 1 in this battle
  • Its believed that Darius The Great got the money to get Alexanders father killed
  • Alexander went after Darius and the Persian Empire after the murder of his father
  • They used to take out the intestines of  a bull before and read them to see the future
  • Their war formation was called Phalenx and it is still taught today

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