Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In Class 5-25-11

We started off class by reviewing the Rome test, sadly not all of us got A's so we can't shave Mr. Schick's head. But that's no big deal, then we got a packet to read and do answers on.

The answers were:

Inflation: A huge increase in the price of something

Diocletian: A Roman emperor from 284 to 305

Constantine: He was a Roman emperor and sometimes considered a saint because he was the first emperor to convert to Christianity.

Eastern Empire: Was the most prosperous side of the empire

Western Empire: The less-prosperous side of the empire

Edict of Milan: A letter signed by Constantine that dealt with religious tolerance

Constantinople: The imperial capital of the Roman empire

Huns: A group of people that migrated into Europe in AD 370

Attila: The ruler of the Huns

Leo I: An emperor over eastern Rome

Romulus Augustulus: The final western Emperor in 475-476

Odoacer: The king of Italy who basically ended the empire

  1. Trade routes, treasuries and agriculture all dried up so Rome could no longer rely on themselves 
  2. The military changed from a group of people fighting for a cause, it became a group of people just looking for a paycheck and unreliable barbarians
  3. Constantine ended persecution of Christians, ordered the men of the military to have a cross put on they're sheilds

Monday, May 23, 2011

In Class 5-23-11

In class today we went over our essays, and now we're onto our final drafts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Study Guide for the Test

  • Romans were harsh toward those who would not worship the emperor 
  • Christians were thought of more of a cult
  • People that didn't worship the emperor were sometimes thrown into the Colosseum with the lions for entertainment 
  • Even though Christians were treated like this, by A.D. 200 Christianity made up 10% of the Roman Empire
  • The Roman Republic had a Senate and Console
  • The Roman Republic had Democracy, Monarchy, and Aristocracy 
  • Latins, Etruscans, and Greeks were the first to get into Rome
  • A legion was the military formation
  • A legion consisted of about 60 centuries 
  • A century was a group within the legion 
  • There were about 80 people per century
  • A legion was a better war formation than the Greek phalanx because they could move in all directions
  • Paul was who spread Christianity, even though before that he criticized it
  • In order, the emperors were: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius 
  • Basically, only Augustus and Claudius were good emperors
  • Tiberius and Caligula were bad emperors 

Monday, May 16, 2011

In Class 5-16-11

  • Augustus died at age 76 in A.D. 14
  • After he died, power was handed to Tiberius
  • Tiberius said that the Senate was "men fit to be slaves"
  • Tiberius and Germanicus were allies 
  • After years, Tiberius became so paranoid that Germanicus was going to succeed, so he had him killed
  • Tiberius was 77 years old when he died in A.D. 37 
  • Caligula was Germanicus' son and Tiberius' adopted grandson
  • Being the Tiberius' adopted grandson, he was next in line to be emperor 
  • He started off good as emperor, giving the military bonuses, and made government spending a public thing
  • After a while, he started fighting with the Senate
  • Claimed that he was a God
  • Had statues of himself posted all over the place, including in a Jewish temple
  • Putting a statue in a Jewish temple was wrong because he was basically making fun of the Jews
  • He was assassinated by his own aids in A.D. 41 at age 28
  • After the assassination, Claudius was next in line
  • He had birth defects
  • People criticized him when he was a child
  • After people found out that he was the last person in line after Caligula, they became a lot nicer then them
  • He was expected to be a horrible leader
  • Instead, he did things that Ceasear  couldn't
  • He took over Britain
  • Renovated the Circus Maximus 
  • He had a bad wife who cheated on him all the time
  • She plotted to take power from Claudius, and give it to her other lover
  • Before this went through, Claudius had Messalina and her lover killed
  • In 66 A.D. a group of Jews called the Zealots tried to rebel
  • Roman troops shot their rebellion down and burnt down the temple
  • Everything in the temple burned except for one wall
  • The Western Wall is the one wall that didn't burn and it is the holiest of all Jewish shrines 
  • Half a million Jews died in the rebellion

Monday, May 9, 2011

In Class 5-9-11

In class today we went over the Greek and Rome tests. I didn't do so well but since I got the tests back for the final I think I'll do fine

Monday, May 2, 2011

In Class 4-29-11

We listened to Mr. Schick's rap. It was AWESOME. Here are the pictures:

Caesar being stabbed


Mark Antony


Hannibal just chilling.

No more kings!

Horseback fighting. No big deal 



Thats a bad war