Monday, May 16, 2011

In Class 5-16-11

  • Augustus died at age 76 in A.D. 14
  • After he died, power was handed to Tiberius
  • Tiberius said that the Senate was "men fit to be slaves"
  • Tiberius and Germanicus were allies 
  • After years, Tiberius became so paranoid that Germanicus was going to succeed, so he had him killed
  • Tiberius was 77 years old when he died in A.D. 37 
  • Caligula was Germanicus' son and Tiberius' adopted grandson
  • Being the Tiberius' adopted grandson, he was next in line to be emperor 
  • He started off good as emperor, giving the military bonuses, and made government spending a public thing
  • After a while, he started fighting with the Senate
  • Claimed that he was a God
  • Had statues of himself posted all over the place, including in a Jewish temple
  • Putting a statue in a Jewish temple was wrong because he was basically making fun of the Jews
  • He was assassinated by his own aids in A.D. 41 at age 28
  • After the assassination, Claudius was next in line
  • He had birth defects
  • People criticized him when he was a child
  • After people found out that he was the last person in line after Caligula, they became a lot nicer then them
  • He was expected to be a horrible leader
  • Instead, he did things that Ceasear  couldn't
  • He took over Britain
  • Renovated the Circus Maximus 
  • He had a bad wife who cheated on him all the time
  • She plotted to take power from Claudius, and give it to her other lover
  • Before this went through, Claudius had Messalina and her lover killed
  • In 66 A.D. a group of Jews called the Zealots tried to rebel
  • Roman troops shot their rebellion down and burnt down the temple
  • Everything in the temple burned except for one wall
  • The Western Wall is the one wall that didn't burn and it is the holiest of all Jewish shrines 
  • Half a million Jews died in the rebellion

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